HDD Manifesto
#noFOMO #nofearofmissingout
HDD Spiritual Essentials:

“Fire” not only represents our passions, compulsions, zeal, creativity, motivations, but also our restrictions, as in the Great Fire Wall.. The Element of Fire has great power for forging will and determination. Unlike other mediocre digital detox methods which encourage embracing a camp fire, here at HDD, “Fire” represents the Spiritual strategy of the branding: “Fight fire with fire”/“以毒攻毒”. We will show you how to use digital means to fight back at your digital problem!
“火” 不但象征着人类的激情,魄力,热情,创造力和动力, 也象征着禁忌,比如防火墙。火这个元素具有使意志力和决心炉火纯青的力量。 与其他平庸的数据排毒方法,即樂於鼓吹拥抱在大自然中露营的篝火之火不同在于,在HDD, “火”所代表的是品牌的精神策略:以牙还牙,以毒攻毒。我们會向你展示如何用数字的方式向数码时代的问题开火。

“The Uni-Donk” is the spiritual animal for the brand, resulting from the union of a unicorn and a donkey. A “unicorn” is a privately held startup company valued at over $1 billion. Most of the unicorns are tech companies from the United States and China. A Uni-Donk is 50% Innocence and 50% stubbornness..
“Cookie”, is the curse of our personalization algorithm age. It is a small piece of data, sent from a website, and stored on your computer by your web browser while you are browsing. Your cookie knows you better than you know yourself, but don’t worry, we will show you our genius method of how to backfire your cookie.

Stones from other hills
may serve to polish the jade of this one


To create an experience that gives individuals the freedom and permission they need to truly unplug and decompress, participants put aside their digital arm to recharge, gain perspective, and reevaluate their relationship with digital technology. Here at HDD, You need to be connected to disconnected. You need a fire wall.
为了创造一个能够给予个体自由,一种真正不连线的减压体验,一般的数据排毒中的隐居环节会让参与者参加野外露营,并没收所有电子设备,通过这种强迫隐居使参与者获取新的视角,并重估他们与电子科技之间的关系。而在HDD, 你可以通在线来达到离线的目的。你需要的是一座防火墙。
Download and install your preferred VPN’s software from its website. Let’s use PureVPN as an example (see picture below). After you have opened up PureVPN’s VPN desktop client (for Mac in this example), you can choose “Select Purpose” from the main dashboard, then click on the search box and then click on “Entertainment Channels” and then click on “China”. At this point you can start connecting to PureVPN’s China server and get a China IP address. 从你所选择的VPN服务器网站下载并安装软件。让我们以PureVPN为例(见下图),当你打开了PureVPN的桌面软件(图片Mac系统为例),从“选择目的”的选项里,点击搜索按钮,然后点“娱乐频道”,从中选择“中国”。此时你已经开始连接PureVPN在中国的服务其并且获取了一个中国的IP地址。
Navigate to the website that you want to use.
Breathe a sigh of relief, and enjoy full, restricted access to western websites and online services, all thanks to your versatile and highly useful China IP address. Now, experience the retreat without Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, Picasa, WordPress.com, Blogspot, Blogger, Flickr, SoundCloud, Google+, Google Hangouts, Hootsuite, Google Play, Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, Periscope, KaKao Talk,Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Nico Video, The New York Times, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Bloomberg, Reuters, The Independent, LeMonde, L’Equipe, Netflix, Google News, many pages of Wikipedia, Wikileaks, Google Drive, Google Docs, Gmail, Google Calendar (generally all Google services), Dropbox, ShutterStock, Slideshare, Slack, iStockPhotos, WayBackMachine, Scribd, Xing, Android, and many VPN sites, all porn sites.
现在,你可以松一口气,并享受这个完整的,充满荆棘的西方网站和网上服务之旅。这一切要感谢这个多才多艺的超级有用的中国IP地址。现在,你不用跑到深山老林里去参加露营,就可以开始享受在线隐居所而了,这是一个没有Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, Picasa, WordPress.com, Blogspot, Blogger, Flickr, SoundCloud, Google+, Google Hangouts, Hootsuite, Google Play, Whatsapp, Telegram, Line, Periscope, KaKao Talk,Youtube, Vimeo, Daily Motion, Nico Video, The New York Times, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Bloomberg, Reuters, The Independent, LeMonde, L’Equipe, Netflix, Google News, many pages of Wikipedia, Wikileaks, Google Drive, Google Docs, Gmail, Google Calendar (基本上是所有的Google产品), Dropbox, ShutterStock, Slideshare, Slack, iStockPhotos, WayBackMachine, Scribd, Xing, Android, 许多 VPN供应商,以及所有色情网站的在线隐居.
ATTENTION: China has been actively cracking down on VPNs. Domestic VPNs within China have been the worst affected. However, even some international VPNs that have endpoint servers in China (Chinese IP addresses) have suffered a loss of their servers. This is a fluid and ongoing battle of wills. Because of the ongoing climate, it is always worth clicking through to the VPN to ask if they still have servers in China.
注意:中国一直积极封锁VPN服务商。中国本地的VPN服务商受影响最为严重。而然,一些国际VPN服务商在中国的端点也与服务器失联。这是一场持续而长久的意念战. 在这种大气候下,我们建议你最好事前先询问和确认你的VPN供应商是否还有在中国的伺服器。

Analog Art
#drawaselfie #findyourpeaceinstonestackingsculpture
Without the ability to “Command Z” undo, analog art gives participants the ability to create spontaneously; what we do can not be deleted or erased. Simply enjoy the nostalgia of hands-on-crafts as an interesting way to bring out the child in you. Try phone-free-food, draw a selfie, make a stone stacked sculpture. Existential discussions about “undo” are sure to arise.
由於无法像数字软件那样拥有 “Command Z /撤销 ”的权利,模拟信号艺术反而给予了我们创造意想不到的偶发效果的可能;在模拟信号里,我们所做的无法被删除或擦去。简单的怀一下旧,享受手工的乐趣,找回消失已久的童心吧。比如试试在吃饭的时候不看手机,画一个自拍像,做一个垒石头雕塑。关於“撤销”这个功能的存在必要,肯定会被质疑。
Creativity in general can help put us in touch with our inner selves. If we are more in touch with ourselves, we can become more in touch with other people.
Technology when used as an aid strengthens us but when used as a crutch, can weaken us.

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Backfire Your Cookie!
Cookie is the curse of the Personalization Algorithm Age. It is a small piece of data sent from a website and stored on your computer by your web browser while you are browsing. Your cookie knows you better than you know yourself— but don’t worry, we will show you our genius method of how to use a cookie to fight a cookie.
The best way of stopping a cookie from creating a filter bubble based on your online behavior, is to confuse your cookie.
Act like a maniac in front of your cookie.
Click on things that you usually hate just so your cookie will have the wrong data.
In pattern recognition, the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (k-NN) is a non-parametric method used for classification and regression. It’s a type of instance-based learning, or lazy learning, where the function is only approximated locally and all computation is deferred until classification.
Inspired by the k-NN algorithm that applies to your cookie, we discovered that you can also trade your phone with others. Try people who are not your friends/nearest neighbors, and even people who you dislike or disagree with.
Surprise, Cookie!

In real life
On Baidu Map
In real life
On Baidu Map
Our reliance on Google Maps is reducing our natural ability to find our own way. When we use Google Maps we remember less about the places we go, and put less work into generating our own internal picture, or "mental map", of the world.
With Baidu Map, you may, from time to time, for unknown reasons, experience despair trying to reach your destination., but that is the beauty of it. You start to ask the strangers around you for routes: Baidu, a conversation starter.
Here is what we can do:
Set yourself the target of a spot on the horizon.
Take out your smart phone and open "”Baidu Maps"
Follow your spot until it disappeared on"Baidu Maps"
Use your own in-built navigational abilities.
Get out of your comfort zone.
Ask a real person for routes.
See what you discover about yourself along the way.
Google Is A Conversation Killer
IRL (In Real Life) #FightFireWithFire

“Hardcoreorganicdigitaldetox” is hardcore for a reason. We fight fire with fire. Inspired by the “How China” program uses virtual reality as a means to help drug addicts turn their lives around, we figured that the best way to help you get away from the virtual world is by getting into it even more— using virtual reality.
“硬核数据排毒”之所以是“硬核”是有其原因的。我们以毒攻毒,以牙还牙。受一个使用虚拟现实来治疗瘾君子的项目由“How China”所启发,我们发现最好的摆脱虚拟世界的办法,就是通过更深入的进入虚拟世界达到物极必反的效果。
“Happily Contained” is a VR piece narrated by a meditation style voice over, describing the connections of Lifestyle branding, politics, and “unicorn” tech companies, how they are intertwined. Lifestyle brands are all about self-expression because of post materialism. It shows that one is part of a group by the way they live and through the culture they want to identify with. The way people interact with social media on a daily level is often about expressing oneself in such a way that identifies with a specific group or culture, especially in the age of the Personalization Algorithm. Under the filter bubble you will only see your group, which triggers the people to become more extreme and unhappy with center politics which can be seen as boring, slow, and unwilling to change with the times. The sense includes Trump's border wall, Chinese internet great fire wall, algorithm filter bubble utopian, nostalgic American dream, Tech company monsters, etc
“Happily Contained”是一件虚拟现实作品,温柔的旁白叙事中,讲述了样板化的生活方式传销、被社交媒体算法深度侵蚀下的政治环境与独角兽技术公司的泡沫之间的关系。所谓“生活方式品牌”就是一种因为后现代物质主义而产生的一味追究自我表达。生活方式品牌”体现了人们通过寻找文化和身份认同来寻找归属感。尤其是在这个个性化算法的年代,人们日常与社交媒体交流的方式一般都是关于自我表达,这种自我表达往往是人们对某一种特殊集体或者文化的认知。在过滤气泡中,你只会看到自己的集体,这使得人们对中立的政治观点更加不关心,因为与极端的政治观点相比,它们看上去更无聊,而不是立竿见影。作品里包括了特朗普的墙,中国互联网防火墙,算法滤镜气泡的乌托邦,怀旧美国梦,独角兽科技公司的算法怪兽等等。